In this article, I will first discuss two approaches to developing RFID applications: traditional methods and RFID Web services. Then, I will discuss how EAI applications that integrate RFID Web services into multiple SOAs will improve the visibility of RFID-tagged items, boxes, and trays, and will provide information about their solutions. I will demonstrate how to integrate RFID web services into EAI applications across multiple SOAs.
Traditional methodThe traditional approach will use the IBM RFID product, which consists of three parts that make up the RFID framework. The three parts are Device Infrastructure, WebSphere RFID Premises Server, and WebSphere IntegraTIon Server.
The device is a reader, scanner, and printer that is embedded with the WebSphere RFID Device Infrastructure. Device Infrastructure is an RFID-enabled middleware product from IBM that is used to select partners to place their devices.
Premises ServerConnected to Device Infrastructure is the IBM WebSphere RFID Premises Server. This system in the center of the RFID framework supports all the features of Device Infrastructure and supports aggregation, monitoring, interpretation, filtering and storage of all incoming RFID events. If the event reaches a threshold point specified by the system administrator as a critical point, the intended recipient will receive a real-time alert. Premises Server acts as a gateway to Electronic Product Code InformaTIon Systems (EPCIS), allowing applications, customers, providers and manufacturers to find data on products with RFID tags.
ntegraTIon ServerPremises Server acts as a gateway to IBM integrated servers such as WebSphere Business IntegraTIon Server. This server allows the back-end EAI system to connect heterogeneous systems for business logic integration of information, including supply chain management (SCM), customer relationship management (CRM), and enterprise resource planning (ERP). The EAI system provides tools for modeling business processes, creating workflows, integrating heterogeneous B2B, monitoring business activities, and creating and exposing Web services in SOA.
RFID solutionLet us know some RFID solutions using traditional methods:
Integrate the carrier's mobile fleet: Get in touch with the fleet more quickly. The reduction in government intervention will shift control of the transportation market from the shipper to the carrier.
Improve internal operations: You can provide near real-time visibility through consumer, container or pallet level tracking to eliminate under-stocking and “weight lossâ€.
Manage customer-driven supply chains: You can better manage demand forecasts and inventory, and coordinate goods distribution and marketing. Customers can help drive business decisions for the company.
Changing the factory environment: By automating assembly line processes, you can help minimize rework and improve the reliability of tools, equipment, and other valuable assets. You can reduce downtime on the production line and replenish the production line with the required materials.
Manage on-demand assets: You can find assets in the automotive, chemical, transportation, aerospace and defense, and wireless technologies industries anywhere in the supply chain—without delay. Assets can be anything.
RFID supplement methodOne way to complement traditional methods is to create an RFID web service using IBM Relational Web Developer for WebSphere Software. These web services are very useful in many cases, for example, when you need to combine the carrier's mobile fleet information with internal operational information to generate item visibility reports for senior managers.
External interoperabilityHowever, not all web services are available internally. Some web services may need to connect to external RFID web services built in different SOAs. Internal and external web services can be combined into a composite application in the original SOA.
When RFID Web services are not under the control of the organization, they need to ensure that they have the same semantics and adhere to the same protocol requirements, and can interoperate with each other externally. Semantic misunderstandings (such as specificity) and protocol vulnerabilities (such as multi-platform differences) can cause interoperability issues between external enterprise Web services.
Faster network communicationAnother problem is that XML-based RFID Web service applications can become too large when used in large numbers. These web services can block network traffic, causing system overload. To solve this problem, the XML Binary Optimization Packaging (XOP) specification should be applied to accelerate Web services.
This specification is a draft standard designed to handle Web services more efficiently than current XML parsers. The parser behaves more like an interpreter than a compiler. When the parser reads large files (especially large files in text format), it does not achieve performance when reading smaller files or computing simple functions. Even encryption can stall RFID Web services because complex calculations must be performed to achieve the desired results.
RFID Web Services ArchitectureIn order to increase the visibility of RFID-tagged items, it is necessary to create an RFID Web service with two gateways. One gateway connects the web service to the IBM integration server, and the second gateway sits between the integration server and the back-end EAI application. Since some RFID web services may not be provided internally, it may be necessary to connect to an external web service to complete the processing task.
connectionYou can connect an internal web service to an integration server and then connect to an external service across SOA. External RFID web services may not reside on the same SOA. Each SOA has a different set of services provided to EAI applications hosted by IBM partners.
The internal RFID web service can be invoked to invoke external RFID web services in the SOA to allow external EAI applications to provide internal EAI applications with the information they need to perform various operations such as storing information, generating reports, and sending alerts. You can use the same internal RFID web service to call another external EAI application or even another external web service. Internal and external RFID web services can be combined into a composite application in an internal SOA to increase operational efficiency.
You need to develop applications consisting of Web service modules in a hierarchical order. It is much more efficient to change one module and leave the other modules unchanged, compared to changing large applications without modules. Applications should have specific parameters that can be changed so that when a module is changed offline, a specific mission-critical module can be run in a production environment.
For example, to reduce the risk of losing RFID data when sending from one point in the supply chain to another, consider developing an RFID Web service application for enterprise security, which is divided into four modules: Information Security, Vulnerability management, threat detection, and management and monitoring of responses and policies. If the first three modules are provided internally, they can be combined with a fourth module from the outside into a composite application.
As long as it does not overload the system, you can connect as many RFID Web services as you need. The maximum number of RFID Web services that can be opened almost simultaneously in order to complete a task sequence is even more important. The loosely coupled nature of Web services allows them to be called when needed and released when not needed. Just make sure that XML-based Web services that process large text files don't get too large when used in large numbers. This problem can be avoided by using the XOP specification.
ConclusionTo integrate RFID Web services across multiple SOAs into an EAI application, you need to plan ahead to determine how it should be designed to avoid overload during peak hours. Communication with system administrators, RFID business analysts, and developers should be conducted to understand how Web services should be integrated internally and how they integrate with external Web services.
If you solve these problems first, you will find that integrating RFID Web service applications is much easier. You can use IBM Relational Web Developer for WebSphere Software to develop business process-based Web services and then use them with SOP packages within SOA and between individual SOAs. Administrators will find that solving these problems also makes their network management work easier. They can determine how many applications can be developed without causing system overload.
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