The dual strategy of German Industry 4.0

German manufacturing is one of the most competitive manufacturing industries in the world, especially the equipment manufacturing industry is leading the world. This is largely due to Germany's research, development and production of innovative manufacturing technologies, as well as the professionalism of complex industrial process management. Germany has a strong machine and equipment manufacturing industry, has demonstrated a high level of competence in the field of information technology, and has made considerable achievements in embedded systems and automation engineering. These factors together have established Germany's leading position in the manufacturing engineering industry. . Therefore, Germany can exploit its potential for new industrialization with its unique advantages: Industry 4.0.

The first three industrial revolutions occurred from mechanization, electricity and information technology. Today, the introduction of the Internet of Things and services into the manufacturing industry is welcoming the fourth industrial revolution. In the near future, companies will be able to build a global network in the form of CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems), integrating their machines, warehouse systems and production facilities. In the manufacturing sector, these CPS include intelligent machines, storage systems, and production facilities that can exchange information autonomously, and they can operate independently and control each other. This helps to fundamentally improve industrial processes, including manufacturing, engineering, materials use, supply chain and lifecycle management. Smart factories now seem to have begun to adopt a new way to produce products. The unique feature of a smart product is identified and can be located at any time. We know its history, understand its current state, and the way it achieves its target state. From the moment when the order is placed through export logistics, the vertical connection with the factory and company business processes, and the horizontal connection can manage the derivative value system in real time, which together build the embedded manufacturing system. In addition, these instructions require that inter-terminal engineering (mode) be enabled to flow through the entire value chain.

German manufacturing is one of the most competitive manufacturing industries in the world, especially the equipment manufacturing industry is leading the world. This is largely due to Germany's research, development and production of innovative manufacturing technologies, as well as the professionalism of complex industrial process management. Germany has a strong machine and equipment manufacturing industry, has demonstrated a high level of competence in the field of information technology, and has made considerable achievements in embedded systems and automation engineering. These factors together have established Germany's leading position in the manufacturing engineering industry. . Therefore, Germany can exploit its potential for new industrialization with its unique advantages: Industry 4.0.

The first three industrial revolutions occurred from mechanization, electricity and information technology. Today, the introduction of the Internet of Things and services into the manufacturing industry is welcoming the fourth industrial revolution. In the near future, companies will be able to build a global network in the form of CPS (Cyber-Physical Systems), integrating their machines, warehouse systems and production facilities. In the manufacturing sector, these CPS include intelligent machines, storage systems, and production facilities that can exchange information autonomously, and they can operate independently and control each other. This helps to fundamentally improve industrial processes, including manufacturing, engineering, materials use, supply chain and lifecycle management. Smart factories now seem to have begun to adopt a new way to produce products. The unique feature of a smart product is identified and can be located at any time. We know its history, understand its current state, and the way it achieves its target state. From the moment when the order is placed through export logistics, the vertical connection with the factory and company business processes, and the horizontal connection can manage the derivative value system in real time, which together build the embedded manufacturing system. In addition, these instructions require that inter-terminal engineering (mode) be enabled to flow through the entire value chain.

(1) Horizontal integration through value network

(2) Engineering end-to-end digital integration across the entire value chain

(3) Vertically integrated and networked manufacturing systems

Towards the path of Industry 4.0, Germany has to invest a lot of energy in research and development. In order to implement the dual strategy, the research carried out has achieved "horizontal and vertical integration of manufacturing systems" and "engineering end-to-end integration". In addition, due to the requirements of the Industry 4.0 system and the continued development of CPS technology, new social infrastructure in the workplace should receive more attention.

If Industry 4.0 is successfully implemented, R&D activities will need to be supported by industrial policies that are adapted to it. The Industry 4.0 Working Group believes that action needs to be taken in eight key areas:

(1) Standardization and Reference Architecture: Industry 4.0 will involve networking and integrate several different companies through a value network. This partnership will be possible if a common package of standards is developed. Thus, a reference architecture is needed to describe these standards and facilitate their implementation.

(2) Management of complex systems: Production and manufacturing systems are becoming increasingly complex, and appropriate planning and explanatory models can lay the foundation for managing these complex systems. Therefore, engineers should have the methods and tools to develop these models.

(3) A comprehensive industrial broadband infrastructure: There is no doubt that a high-quality integrated communication network is a key requirement of Industry 4.0. Whether in Germany or between Germany and other partner countries, the broadband network infrastructure needs to be further expanded.

(4) Safety and security: Safety and security are critical to the success of intelligent manufacturing systems. It is important to ensure that production facilities and products do not pose any danger to people or the environment. At the same time, production facilities and products, especially the data and information they contain, need to be protected against abuse and unauthorized access.

(5) Organization and design of work: In smart factories, the role of employees will undergo dramatic changes. More and more real-time control will change the work content, workflow and working environment. Work organization is implemented in a social-technical approach that will provide employees with opportunities to take on significant responsibilities and promote personal development. Once this becomes a reality, it will become even more important to deploy collaborative work design, lifelong learning initiatives, and launching reference model topics.

(6) Training and continuous career development: Industry 4.0 will fundamentally change people's work and professional abilities. It is therefore necessary to implement appropriate training strategies and organize work in a way that fosters learning, thereby enabling lifelong learning and workplace-based personal development. To achieve this goal, demonstration projects and “best practice networks” should be promoted, and digital learning technologies should also be put into research.

(7) Regulatory framework: When establishing a new manufacturing process and a horizontal business network architecture under Industry 4.0, the law must be observed; and existing laws should also be adjusted as needed, taking into account the impact of innovation. Challenges include protecting corporate data, liability issues, handling personal data and trade restrictions. This will require not only legislation but also other activities of a commercial nature – the system will exist as a broadly applicable tool, including guidelines, contract models and corporate collective agreements, or self-regulatory initiatives. Such as auditing.

(8) Resource efficiency: Regardless of the high cost, only the large consumption of raw materials and energy in the manufacturing industry brings many risks to the environment and safety supply. Industry 4.0 will bring about increased resource productivity and efficiency. For companies, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons of “need to invest in additional resources in smart factories” and “potential savings”.

Going to Industry 4.0 will be a gradual process. In order to adapt to the special needs of manufacturing engineering, existing basic technologies and experience must be changed, and innovative solutions for new locations and new markets must be explored. If successful, Industry 4.0 will enhance Germany's global competitiveness and keep its domestic manufacturing industry growing.

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