In the past 30 years, we have seen the Internet have a profound impact on the dissemination of information, and promote the digitalization of information dissemination.
Advances in mobile technology have brought Internet access to terminals that were used primarily for calls in the past, opening a whole new era of mobile connectivity. In the era of mobile Internet, the proliferation of mobile connections has also driven the rapid changes and development of smart phones. Through powerful mobile processors, high-speed connections, clear displays, and rich multimedia capabilities, smart phones have changed the way of collection and production forever, and more and more user-generated content has been adopted by news organizations, changing people’s access to news and The way of information.
Smartphones have become the main platform for people to obtain information. As a representative of this, for example, news networks are also pushing the news client. There are nearly 100 million users of Xinhua Hyun Sen, so that people can get information on their mobile phones. .
The information dissemination in the 5G era will be intelligent and interconnected. It will be equipped with intelligent technologies and sensors to support information exchange between people and people, people and things, things and things, and the environment. This will bring more user-side information. Innovative applications that change different user experiences.
We believe that with the advent of 5G, 5G connections and artificial intelligence will lead the future of information dissemination. They can bring us a new form of communication, a new way of interaction, a new source of information, and a new information processing process.
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