April 29th VR content to participate in Tribeca Film Festival

National Geographic collaboration "TheProtectors: WalkinTheRanger's Shoes"; based on one of India's largest movie series "Bahoba," "SwordofBaahubali", these world-renowned masterpieces of virtual reality projects will be exhibitors this year Beka Film Festival. As always, Tribeca Film Festival this year also set up two separate regions for VR content exhibitions: Storyscape and VirtualArcade. Among them, 6 films were exhibited in Storyscapes; and the competition of VirtualArcade was even more intense with a total of 23 contents. Storyscape's lineup includes DrawMeClose, Jordan Tannahill's memoirs about his relationship with his mother, Hyphen-Labs' sci-fi theme film NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism, and The Last Goodbye about the Holocaust survivors. As for VirtualArcade, including “TheProtectors: WalkintheRanger's Shoes”, the hardships of protecting the African elephants faced by paraphernalia of the Galangba National Park in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the face of poaching activities; “LifeofUs”, about the earth and music; SwordofBaahubal is based on one of India's largest movie series "King of Bahobali". The Tribeca Film Festival will be opened on April 19 and continue until the 30th. Storyscapes and VirtualArcade will be open to the audience on April 21st. 1. STORYSCAPES "Blackout" project leader: Scatter: AlexanderPorter, YasminElayat, JamesGeorge, Mei-LingWong project partner: HannahJayanti "DrawMeClose" project leader: JordanTannahill "TheIslandoftheColorblind" project leader: SannedeWilde project partners: IDFADocLab, deBrakkeGrond " TheLastGoodbye Project Leader: GaboArora, AriPalitz Project Partners: Stephen Smith, HereBe Dragons, MPC, Otoy, LightShedandUSCShoahFoundation NeuroSpeculativeAfroFeminism Project Leader: Hyphen-Labs–Ashley Baccus-Clark, CarmenAguilaryWedge, EceTankal, NitzanBartov “TREEHUGGER: WAWONA” Project Leader : MarshmallowLaserFeast Project partners: Natan Sinigaglia, Mileeece I'Anson, CinekidFoundation, STRP, SouthbankCentreandMigrations 2. VIRTUALARCADE "Alteration" - France Project leader: Jér?meBlanquet Project partners: James Sénade, YannApéry, AntoineCayrol, BaptisteChesnais, PierreZandrowicz, Jean-fran?oisBlanquet Apex – The Netherlands/USA Project Leader: Arjanvan Meerten Project Partner: Wevr “Arden's Wake” – U SA Project Leader: Eugene Chung Project Partner: Jimmy Maiden "Auto" - USA Project Leader: J. Steven Schardt "Bebylon - BattleRoyale" - USA Project Leader: Cory Strassburger, Ikrima Elhassan Project Partner: Alex Underhill, Giray Ozil, Jennifer Chavarria "Becoming Homeless: A Human Experience ——USA Project Leader: VirtualHumanInteractionLab, Stanford University Project Partner: EliseOgle, TobinAsher, JeremyBailenson “BrokenNight” – USA Project Leader: Alon Benari, TalZubalsky, AlexVlack Project Partner: Eko, HiddenContent, RealMotionVFX “Extravaganza” – USA Project Leader : Ethan Shaftel Hallelujah –USA Project Leader: Zach Richter, Bobby Halvorson, Eames Kolar Project Partner: ChrissySzczupak, OrinGreen, JessEngel, ECCOVR, InternationalOrangeChoraleofSF, ChrisMilk, AaronKoblin LifeofUs – USA Project Leader: Chris Milk, Aaron Koblin, Pharrell Williams Project Partner : Megan Ellison and Annapurna Pictures, Pharrell Williams, Madewith Unity, McKenzie Stubbert, JonaDinges “TheOtherDakar” – Head of Senegal Project: SellyRabyKane Project Partner: ElectricSouth, GoetheInstitut ThePeople'sHouse – Canada Project Leader: Félix Lajeunesse, Paul Raphaël (Felix & PaulStudios) ThePossible: Hoverboard – USA Project Leader: DavidGelb “TheProtectors: WalkinTheRanger's Shoes” – USA Project Manager People: Kathryn Bigelow, Imraan Ismail RainbowCrow – USA Project Leader: Eric Darnell, MaureenFan, Larry Cutler, ClaudiaSouthmartin, KaneLee Project Partner: Michael Hutchinson, Nathaniel Dawson “Remember: Remember” – USA Project Leader: Kevin Cornish Sergeant James – France Project Leader : Alexandre Perez Project Partner: AviAmar "SteptotheLine" - USA Project Leader: RicardoLaganaro Project Partner: DefyVentures/OculusVRforGood "SwordofBaahubali" - India Project Leader: SSRajamouli, ArkaMediaworks Project Partner: RadeonTechnologiesGroup & CNCPTLA TalkingWithGhosts - USA Project Leader: Ric Carrasquillo, RomanMuradov, SophiaFoster-Dimino, MariaYi Project Partners: Wesley Allsbrook, Matthew Chadwick, Sebastien Chevrel, TauniOxbo Rrow, SaschkaUnseld. "Testimony" - USA Project Leader: ZoharKfir Project Partner: Selena Pinnell "Tree" - USA Project Leader: MilicaZec, WinslowPorter Project Partner: AleksandarProtic, JakobKudskSteensen "Unrest" - France/USA Project Leader: Arnaud Colinart , JenniferBrea, AmauryLaBurthe Project Partner: DianaBarrett (FledglingFund), LindseyDryden (LittleByLittleFilms)">
April opening 29 VR content will participate Tribeca Film Festival from Baidu VR

"The Protectors: Walk in The Ranger's Shoes" by Kathryn Bigelow, the director of the Hurt Locker, and "National Geographic"; based on one of India's largest movie series, "King of Bahobali" "Sword of Baahubali", these world-famous VR projects will be participating in this year's Tribeca Film Festival.

As always, Tribeca Film Festival this year also set up two separate regions to host VR content exhibitions: Storyscape and Virtual Arcade. Among them, six films are exhibiting at Storyscapes; Virtual Arcade is more competitive, with a total of 23 contents. Storyscape's lineup includes "Draw Me Close," Jordan Tannahill's memoirs about his relationship with his mother, Hyphen-Labs' sci-fi theme film "NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism" and "The Last Goodbye" about the Holocaust survivors.

As for Virtual Arcade, including “The Protectors: Walk in the Ranger's Shoes”, the hardships of the rangers who recorded the protection of African elephants in the face of poaching activities by the rangers of the Garamba National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, “Life of Us”, About Earth and Music; "Sword of Baahubal" based on one of India's largest movie series "King of Bahobali".

The Tribeca Film Festival will be opened on April 19 and continue until the 30th. Storyscapes and Virtual Arcade will be open to the audience on April 21st.



Project Leader: Scatter: Alexander Porter, Yasmin Elayat, James George, Mei-Ling Wong

Project Partner: Hannah Jayanti

Draw Me Close

Project Leader: Jordan Tannahill

The Island of the Colorblind

Project Leader: Sanne de Wilde

Project partners: IDFA DocLab, de Brakke Grond

The Last Goodbye

Project Leader: Gabo Arora, Ari Palitz

Project partners: Stephen Smith, Here Be Dragons, MPC, Otoy, LightShed and USC Shoah Foundation

NeuroSpeculative AfroFeminism

Project Leader: Hyphen-Labs – Ashley Baccus-Clark, Carmen Aguilar y Wedge, Ece Tankal, Nitzan Bartov


Project Leader: Marshmallow Laser Feast

Project partners: Natan Sinigaglia, Mileece I'Anson, Cinekid Foundation, STRP, Southbank Centre and Migrations


Alteration - France

Project Leader: Jér?me Blanquet

Project partners: James Sénade, Yann Apéry, Antoine Cayrol, Baptiste Chesnais, Pierre Zandrowicz, Jean-fran?ois Blanquet

Apex – The Netherlands/USA

Project Leader: Arjan van Meerten

Project Partner: Wevr

Arden's Wake - USA

Project Leader: Eugene Chung

Project Partner: Jimmy Maidens

Auto - USA

Project Leader: J. Steven Schardt

Bebylon – Battle Royale - USA

Project Leader: Cory Strassburger, Ikrima Elhassan

Project partners: Alex Underhill, Giray Ozil, Jennifer Chavarria

Becoming Homeless: A Human Experience - USA

Project Leader: Virtual Human Interaction Lab, Stanford University

Project partners: Elise Ogle, Tobin Asher, Jeremy Bailenson

Broken Night - USA

Project Leader: Alon Benari, Tal Zubalsky, Alex Vlack

Project Partners: Eko, Hidden Content, Real Motion VFX

Extravaganza - USA

Project Leader: Ethan Shaftel

Hallelujah - USA

Project Leader: Zach Richter, Bobby Halvorson, Eames Kolar

Project partners: Chrissy Szczupak, Orin Green, Jess Engel, ECCO VR, International Orange Chorale of SF, Chris Milk, Aaron Koblin

Life of Us - USA

Project Leader: Chris Milk, Aaron Koblin, Pharrell Williams

Project partners: Megan Ellison and Annapurna Pictures, Pharrell Williams, Made with Unity, McKenzie Stubbert, Jona Dinges

The Other Dakar - Senegal

Project Leader: Selly Raby Kane

Project Partner: Electric South, Goethe Institut

The People's House - Canada

Project Leader: Félix Lajeunesse, Paul Rapha?l (Felix & Paul Studios)

The Possible: Hoverboard - USA

Project Leader: David Gelb

The Protectors: Walk in The Ranger's Shoes – USA

Project Leader: Kathryn Bigelow, Imraan Ismail

Rainbow Crow - USA

Project Leader: Eric Darnell, Maureen Fan, Larry Cutler, Claudia Southmartin, Kane Lee

Project partners: Michael Hutchinson, Nathaniel Dawson

Remember: Remember - USA

Project Leader: Kevin Cornish

Sergeant James - France

Project Leader: Alexandre Perez

Project Partner: Avi Amar

Step to the Line - USA

Project Leader: Ricardo Laganaro

Project Partner: Defy Ventures/ Oculus VR for Good

Sword of Baahubali - India

Project Leader: SS Rajamouli, Arka Mediaworks

Project Partner: Radeon Technologies Group & CNCPT LA

Talking With Ghosts - USA

Project Leader: Ric Carrasquillo, Roman Muradov, Sophia Foster-Dimino, Maria Yi

Project partners: Wesley Allsbrook, Matthew Chadwick, Sebastien Chevrel, Tauni Oxborrow, Saschka Unseld.

Testimony - USA

Project Leader: Zohar Kfir

Project Partner: Selena Pinnell

Tree - USA

Project Leader: Milica Zec, Winslow Porter

Project Partner: Aleksandar Protic, Jakob Kudsk Steensen

Unrest - France/USA

Project Leader: Arnaud Colinart, Jennifer Brea, Amaury La Burthe

Project partners: Diana Barrett (Fledgling Fund), Lindsey Dryden (Little By Little Films)

USB Countdown Timer

Function description

The socket is ordinary converter,with two output 5V2A power USB power supply at the same time,can be very convenient in use electrical appliances and recharge the equipment at the same time,such as digital products like Iphone Ipad,MP3,MP4 etc.The charge apply to full range of international AC output,no-load power consumption less than 0.3W,with short circuit,overload,over-voltage protection,can be convenient for your life and save more energy

Timer Control Time Adgustment

1.Press the power switch 1 time,the 1HOUR LED will light on.The Timer into ON mode,USB and control socket output ON .

2.Continuously press the power switch the LED light on,the Countdown mode and LED light on will cycle change from 1HR,2HR,4HR,6HR,8HR,10HR.

3.Choose you need countdown time mode,the mode LED will lighto on,start countdown until countdown time finish,the control output and USB change to OFF

4.Then the countdown is start,The Time indicate LED will from high to low auto change until Countdown finish off.

Failure analysis:

1.check whether the power supply connection is good

2.check whether the USB cable is loosen

Warning Note:

1.Use indoor and dry location ONLY

2.The load max does not exceed 15A 3600W

3.This product does not convert voltage please do not miss use DO NOT exceed the maximum loading of 3600 Watts 15A

4.Always have earth connection for safety reason

5.If in doubt please consult with a qualified electrician

USB countdown timer, USB countdown timer socket, USB timer, USB charger timer, USB timer socket

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