Oculus Open Carmel Browser WebVR Content Development Example

Oculus Open Carmel Browser WebVR Content Development Sample from Baidu VR

Facebook's Oculus VR is actively building an ecosystem that includes web pages with a large user base. Recently, Oculus VR open sourced and hosted Carmel's starter kit for its VR browser on Github. The starter kit provides some Carmel browser-based WebVR content development examples to guide developers how to develop WebVR content on the Carmel browser.

Oculus VR launched the WebVR browser Carmel Developer Preview and WebVR content development tool React VR as early as December 2016 to facilitate developers developing and testing WebVR content for Carmel. Nate Mitchell, Associate Director of Oculus VR Products, told OC3 that with React VR you can develop a WebVR experience with just a few lines of Java code and share it instantly.

The Carmel developer preview version is still at a very early stage of development. Oculus said that WebVR is a developing API. Although there is a certain consensus on the standard specification, there are still many uncertainties.

The Carmel Starter Kit is now available for download, and interested developers can download it from Github.

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