Altera in the wave of the Internet of Things, who is up and down?

Today, big data is gradually becoming familiar with the concepts of the Internet of Things and cloud computing. Major semiconductor manufacturers at home and abroad are also active in the Internet of Things market. Altera, which is the master of the programmable logic industry, is no exception. Altera announced today that it will join IBM's OpenPOWER Alliance and will work with IBM and other OpenPOWER Alliance members to develop high-performance computing solutions to facilitate next-generation big data and cloud computing applications.

High-performance computing and the Internet of Things are not areas that Altera is good at, but Altera's CEO and Chairman of the Board, John Daane, looks confident, so what role does Altera, the leader in the programmable logic industry, play in driving the development of the Internet of Things? How does John Daane explain the opportunities and challenges of the Internet of Things era?

John Daane

John Daane, CEO and Chairman of Altera Corporation, said that advanced semiconductors will improve high-performance computing and will change the way IoT data is processed.

4G wireless network develops rapidly Internet infrastructure "reborn"

John Daane said that with the development of 4G wireless networks, the Internet infrastructure will face even greater challenges: fiber-optic connections and high-speed backbone networks. Optical Transport Network (OTN) is one of the standards for backbone networks. Like other optical networks, Altera implements key packet processing functions that are consistent with 100 gigabits per second (Gb/s) fiber. Altera acquired two outstanding intellectual property development companies, Avalon and TPACK, in the first two years. Its expertise is mainly to help Altera achieve high market value for its customers, surpassing 100Gb/s line rate, and thus consolidate its leading position in OTN technology.

Advanced semiconductor process to enhance high performance computing

John Daane emphasized that the development of new computing systems must be supported by advanced semiconductor process technology. Especially in the field of programmable logic, advanced semiconductor process processes can greatly reduce logic and memory density while reducing power consumption. Currently, the most advanced semiconductor process that is first introduced to the market in the computing arena is the Intel 14nm tri-gate process. Not long ago, Altera and Intel announced that they have officially announced the use of 14nm tri-gate process to manufacture Altera's StraTIx 10 FPGA and SoC. The new process will integrate a single 14nm StraTIx 10 FPGA and SoC with other advanced components in a single package, including DRAM, SRAM, ASIC, processor and analog components, which will reduce chip cost and will address performance and memory bandwidth And heat and other issues that affect communications, high-performance computing, broadcast and high-end applications in the military.

In the field of high performance computing, the design team is usually composed of experienced programmers, not necessarily FPGA experts. These teams bypassed logic, RTL, or timing analysis to bridge the gap between accelerated heterogeneous systems and successfully implement OpenCL, an industry-standard environment for developing parallel applications in heterogeneous systems. In this regard, Altera has always been in an absolute lead, and John Daane added with confidence.

The Internet of Things will change the way data is collected

High-performance computing changes the way data is, while the Internet of Things changes the way data is collected. In the Internet of Things era, almost every sensor and brake has a corresponding interconnect address in addition to vehicles, machines, and furniture. The smallest, most energy-sensitive unit in this network is not an application that FPGAs are good at. Multi-layer networks with diverse media and protocols require hubs and gateways, and are highly flexible, seamlessly supporting local real-time computing, which is an application environment that FPGAs excel at.

Looking forward to the development trend in 2014, it is mainly reflected in the small market where the characteristics are technical uncertainty, demand changes, subdivision or just starting. The rising costs of ASIC and ASSP development make traditional solutions inaccessible in new areas. Altera FPGAs will play an important role in driving the core processes of these systems.

——This article is selected from the high-end interview column of the “IoT Technology Special Issue” of the e-family network in April. Please indicate the source, please do not investigate it!

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