Apple wants to dominate the thin: this is the development of 15-inch MBA

Apple wants to dominate the thin: this is the development of 15-inch MBA Apple's R & D for the thin and light can be described as extremely keen, although just recently with the new MacBook Air series, but today's latest foreign news that Apple has been developing a 15-inch version of the MacBook Air.

Reported that, because the current MacBook Air series only 11-inch and 13-inch models, so Apple to further occupy the light and thin the market, decided to launch a larger size MacBook Air notebook.

The news also revealed that the current 15-inch version of the MacBook Air has entered the final test phase. However, this 15-inch model will not include optical drives like the 11 and 13-inch models (the new Mac Mini also has no optical drive), while still maintaining a low price.

It is not yet clear what the specific configuration of the new 15-inch Air is. It is speculated that it will be updated with the new-generation MacBook Pro. It is expected that the time will be at the end of this year or next February.


The Schottky Diode is another type of semiconductor diode which can be used in a variety of wave shaping, switching and rectification applications the same as any other junction diode. The main adavantage is that the forward voltage drop of a Schottky Diode is substantially less than the 0.7 volts of the conventional silicon pn-junction diode.

Schottky diodes have many useful applications from rectification, signal conditioning and switching, through to TTL and CMOS logic gates due mainly to their low power and fast switching speeds.

the Schottky Diode also known as a Schottky Barrier Diode is a solid-state semiconductor diode in which a metal electrode and an n-type semiconductor form the diodes ms-junction giving it two major advantages over traditional pn-junction diodes, a faster switching speed, and a low forward bias voltage.

The metal–to-semiconductor or ms-junction provides a much lower knee voltage of typically 0.3 to 0.4 volts compared against a value of 0.6 to 0.9 volts seen in a standard silicon base pn-junction diode for the same value of forward current.

Variations in the metal and semiconductor materials used for their construction means that silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky diodes are able to turn [ON" with with a forward voltage drop as little as 0.2 volts with the Schottky diode replacing the less used germanium diode in many applications requiring a low knee voltage.

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