The first case in the UK: a complex kidney transplant with a 3D printed model

Surgeons at the Lancaster City Hospital in the United Kingdom used 3D printed kidney replicas to completely remove kidney cysts, facilitating critical transplants and improving the lives of organ donors. The operation itself is the first surgery in Ireland that does not require revision.

The first case in the UK: a complex kidney transplant with a 3D printed model

Pauline Fenton from Belfast suffers from end stage renal disease and relies entirely on dialysis. The doctor found that Pauline's father was a suitable kidney donor, but the blood type was incompatible and had a potential cancerous cyst. In this case, the doctor must ensure accurate and complete removal of the cyst to obtain the largest healthy transplant tissue.

The first case in the UK: a complex kidney transplant with a 3D printed model

Taking into account the complexity of the transplant preparation, the surgeon worked with the local medical 3D printing company, axial3D, to assist in the preparation of patient-specific surgical guidelines. axial3D uses CT scan imaging to construct an accurate 1:1 model of William Fenton's kidney. The model was then 3D printed in an axial 3D laboratory using an adhesive jet technique. Surgeons at the Belfast City Hospital planned and rehearsed the model's surgery, which included the exact size and location of the cyst and considered all complications.

The first case in the UK: a complex kidney transplant with a 3D printed model

Consultant transplant surgeon Tim Brown explained: “As a surgeon, we are well trained and skilled, but by hand-held 3D printing patient anatomy, I gained an extra understanding, showing 2D on the screen or 3D images are not possible."

The success of this procedure is beneficial to both organ donors and recipients, which is estimated to be 83% cheaper than having Pauline perform permanent dialysis. axial3D itself received more than $600,000 in seed funding in 2017, most of which came from the venture capital fund techstartNI. axial3D has added its product portfolio and provided its model to the UK National Health Service (NHS).

Silicon Transistor

Silicon Transistor are solid-state semiconductor devices with functions such as detection, rectification, amplification, switching, voltage regulation, and signal modulation. The transistor acts as a variable current switch and can control the output current based on the input voltage. Unlike ordinary mechanical switches (such as Relay and switch), transistors use electrical signals to control their opening and closing, and the switching speed can be very fast. The switching speed in the lab can reach more than 100GHz.

Silicon Transistor, Power Transistor, IGBT Transistor, N-Channel Transistor, PNP Transistor