Overview and application of Fujitsu non-contact palm vein recognition system

1. Summary

Access control systems such as electromagnetic induction cards, password locks, etc., have the disadvantages of being easily cracked, stolen, and counterfeited, thereby promoting the generation of adult body recognition protection systems, such as eye iris, fingerprint recognition, and the latest vein recognition technology.

However, these human body recognition technologies such as iris and fingerprint are easy to be counterfeited and easy to obtain, and palm vein recognition is unique. Fujitsu palm vein recognition is a highly secure biometric technology. This innovative technology is identified under extremely precise and secure systems. Its application principle is to use the near-infrared Sensor to obtain the distribution map of the palm vein, store the template, and then build each unique palm vein database in the computer. Log in to the computer to store each person's palm vein data, which can also be managed on the computer.

Non-contact palm vein sensor deviceNear infrared imageVein net image / palm outline

Non-contact palm vein sensor device Near-infrared image Vein net image / Palm outline

This system is highly secure for access control management. In other places where identification is required, such as government offices, data rooms of large enterprises and institutions, personnel authorized to enter must check his palm vein pattern through the device to confirm identity before entering. In the operating room of the hospital, because there is no need to touch the sensor, the doctor can wear the surgical cover and the access control in the operating room can be managed by computer, which can reduce the doctor's wrong operation of the operating room. A foreign example is that the patient's medical record data is associated with data from the palm vein. When an accident or the like is sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, the identity of the patient can be detected through the data of the palm vein, and the database shared by the hospital can be extremely short. In the time of identifying the patient's identity, the medical record is directly obtained, the trivial examination is reduced, and the rescue is performed at the first time. In places where membership card control is required, such as swimming pools, it is inconvenient for members to carry a membership card with them in the library. This can be avoided by Fujitsu's palm vein recognition system. At the same time, for the management unit of the swimming pool, there will be no situation where the membership card will be fraudulently used.

2. Features of non-contact palm vein recognition system:

No need to touch

Since it does not need to contact the device itself, it is hygienic and at the same time reduces the psychological resistance of the user.

Easy to operate

It is only necessary to place the palm of the hand naturally above the device to complete the identification.

High recognition accuracy

Since the palm vein is thick and numerous, the recognition accuracy can be improved. (I reject rate is 0.01%, others' misrecognition rate is 0.00008%)

High security and wide correspondence

Using the blood vessel information inside the body, it is extremely difficult to forge. Usually, human palm vein networks are different from each other, even single-female twins are different, and they are unchanged for a lifetime. Strong correspondence, almost suitable for anyone.

Comparison of palm vein recognition, fingerprint recognition and iris recognition

3. Recognition principle :

Principle--reading method

Reading principle

(1) Irradiate the palm with an infrared fiber. (2) The sensor receives near-infrared light reflected by the palm of the hand.

Reading principle

(3) Only the vein information in the vein image is read.

Reading vein information in vein images

Principle--checking method

(1) Check the adjustment of the process image

Since it is a non-contact type, the image at the time of collation and the image at the time of registration differ in position, inclination, and size. Therefore, it is necessary to match the collated image with the image adjustment at the time of login.

Check process

The device can adjust these problems step by step so that the login image matches the collation image. The whole process is less than a second.

(2) Checking

After the registration image and the collation image are overlapped, it is determined whether the vein shape is consistent. (For ease of understanding, we will color the image, but in fact the image has no color change. In addition, the device extracts the features of the vein shape and compares them.)

Identity confirmation

4. Application of palm vein recognition system in landing authentication

Financial system: ATM (automated teller machine) cardholder confirmation, bank internal data terminal (computer room) management, customer information management, system development information management, executive operating system management, government agencies and public bodies, government agencies and public body terminals Equipment, resident basic data management, electronic shopping, payment

Medical system: electronic case, pharmacy terminal management, medical terminal management

Educational institutions: student information self-service terminal, performance check, distribution of various certificates, attendance management

Research institution: dedicated terminal management, confidential room, research and development information management in the institute

5. Application of palm vein recognition system in access control system

High degree of room access security system management via the Internet

High degree of room access security system management via the Internet

6. Palm vein recognition system in global application examples

Bank: Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank

ATM and counter identity authentication, customer safe deposit box, and staff login with computer

University: Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan

Personal data query such as transcripts, class attendance management, computer room access control and PC login management, book lending

Hospital: University of Tokyo Affiliated Hospital

Access control in the information room: access control in offices, research rooms, and main rooms

Apartment Building: Meiwa Real Estate Company

Gate access control

Library: Nagano City Library

No card entry and exit control, no card borrowing books

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Yuheng Optics Co., Ltd.(Changchun) , https://www.yhenoptics.com