Recently, many users of Alibaba Cloud TV boxes have noticed that the box system has received system upgrade tips, including Tianmin, Kaiboer, Yidian, Lingyun and some other Alibaba Cloud system boxes. As we all know, the last Alibaba Cloud system was massive. The upgrade causes the user's application to be forcibly uninstalled. What action does this upgrade have? Xiao Bian learned from the news of the official public number of the Tianmin Box that the system upgrade was just to gather video, streamline memory, and improve system response speed! Did not worry about the problem of software uninstallation, Ali cloud system box UI and Lynx box full range of unified, the interface is also optimized a lot. The new interface is as follows: However, many friends are still not accustomed to the new system. Applications that have already been installed are difficult to find. In fact, all applications in the new system are placed on the home page "my" - "my application". To. At the same time, there will be records for the application opening. The recently opened application will be displayed on the home page. You are accustomed to using the sofa butler to install the software to watch live users. You can enter the housekeeper directly through the home page to see the live stream easier. Sofa Butler Client Home Sofa butler HDP live broadcast screen