Editor's note: Housing is the material basis for people to survive, and people's life or daily price is always inseparable from light. Therefore, the residential light environment plays a decisive role in people's lives, and the residential light environment is good. The direct impact on people's quality of life has become an important indicator to measure the performance of residential buildings. It is necessary to carry out research on residential light environment. The reasons are as follows: As the scale of residential construction in China has been expanding in recent years, the area of ​​residential use is in accordance with the Ninth Five-Year Plan. 9m2 per capita is gradually in place. In the design stage of residential light environment, there are standards for sunshine and lighting in residential buildings, but the lighting design standards are relatively incomplete. To this end, we have proposed the quantity and quality requirements of the residential light environment in accordance with the well-off level through investigation and experimental research, providing technical basis for the design standards and design methods of residential light environmental performance in the future, and making good preparations for the design standards of modern residential environment in China. Technical reserve. I. On-site investigation (1) Natural light environment 1. The natural light environment in the natural light house of the house should meet the following basic requirements: (1) The living room and kitchen in the bedroom, living room (hall) should be directly lit to meet the physical, psychological and sanitary aspects of living. need. (2) To have a good lighting window orientation, preferably south facing, southeast or southwest facing second, east and west facing again, most northeast or northwest facing and north facing, in order to obtain enough natural light. (3) To meet the requirements of the area ratio of the window and the minimum value of the daylighting coefficient in the "Design Standard for Architectural Lighting". (4) For rooms with sunshine requirements, the requirements of the “Code for Planning and Design of Urban Residential Areas†shall be met. (5) All the residential rooms in the residential building should be tested for lighting design and calculation and after completion of the project. 2. The surveyed subjects were to understand the natural lighting conditions of our homes. We investigated the well-off houses and affordable housing that were built in recent years. This time, a total of 21 households were surveyed for lighting, mainly in Beijing, with residential buildings in Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai. From the perspective of the number of buildings, there are 14 high-rise buildings and 7 multi-storey buildings with a building area of ​​56m2 to 201m2, of which 16 are 85m2 to 137m2, 3 are below 75m2, and 2 are about 200m2. Each household has modern living and sanitation equipment, representing the well-off level of China's current homes. 3. Measured survey results (1) Except for the living room lighting of one household and the window area ratio of one master bedroom, the residential lighting requirements of the “Building Lighting Design Standards†can not meet the residential lighting requirements. For a window area ratio greater than 1/7, the bathroom can also meet the window area ratio of more than 1/10. (2) Among the 14 households surveyed, half of the living rooms and bedrooms meet the minimum requirement of more than 1% of the daylighting coefficient, and half of the living room and bedroom lighting standards have a minimum value of less than 1%. 0.5% standard requirement. (3) In the survey, whether it is a multi-storey residential building or a high-rise residential building, it can meet the height-to-height ratio of the building in the “Code for Planning and Design of Urban Residential Areasâ€. (4) Households are more satisfied with the evaluation of lighting. (2) Artificial light environment 1. Requirements for residential artificial lighting The artificial lighting in the house should be as follows: (1) The lighting of the house should have a general idea; (2) The space in the house should have a corresponding level of illumination; (3) Energy should be used in the house. Light source or luminaire; (4) The house should be properly illuminated; (5) glare should be controlled. 2. This survey mainly conducted illuminance surveys on 83 rooms in 14 houses in Beijing. The construction area of ​​11 households was 86m2~~130m2, and the construction area of ​​3 households was 130m2~~200m2. Most of them belong to the well-off residences, reflecting the current level of residential lighting in China. 3. The actual survey results of residential lighting survey results are as follows: (1) Living room: The maximum illuminance Emax can reach 74lx~454lx, generally above 100lx, the residents reflect better on the lighting effect [Note: Illuminance: Illuminance is incident on the unit area The luminous flux, the unit of illuminance is lux (lx), 1 (lx) = 1 (lm / m2)]; the minimum illuminance Emin is 24lx ~ 191lx, generally the average illuminance Eav below 75lx is 60lx ~ 348lx, generally 75lx ~ 100lx about. (2) Master bedroom: The maximum illumination Emax can reach 37lx~351lx, generally above 75lx; the minimum illumination Emin is 29lx~273lx, generally below 50lx; the average illumination Eav is 31lx~315lx, generally about 50lx, a small amount is above 75lx . (3) The second bedroom: The maximum illumination Emax can reach 32lx~290lx, generally below 75lx, a few is higher than 75lx; the minimum illumination Emin is generally lower than 50lx, a few is higher than 75lx; the average illumination Eav is generally between 50lx~75lx. (4) Restaurant: generally in the 75lx left (5) kitchen: generally around 50lx. (6) Bathroom: generally around 50lx. 4. According to the survey results, (1) From the installation of the lamps in the house, the number of lamps is between 12ç› and 46ç›, and the number generally increases with the increase of the building area. Usually between 15 ç› and 22 ,, the average is about 20 。. (2) Among the surveyed households, the usage rate of incandescent lamps is 70%, while energy-saving fluorescent lamps (including compact fluorescent lamps) account for only 30%. (3) Among the households surveyed, the total power of the lamps is between 421W and 2300W. The households with high power are all or most of them adopt incandescent lamps. In the households with an area of ​​about 200m2, the lighting installation power is about 600W. And all use compact energy-saving fluorescent lamps. (4) From the installation power distribution per unit area of ​​the illumination source, the average is 7.2 W/m2 between 4.3 W/m2 and 11.5 W/m2, and the three households using compact fluorescent lamps are 4.3 W/m2 to 5.3. Between W/m2. (5) From the subjective reflection of the households, the users accept their respective artificial light environments. 4. Measured survey results (1) The average cost of the living room (hall) is generally 75lx. When installing the luminaire, the illuminance should be considered when the agglomeration is higher than the illuminance during the general activity, so the average illuminance is directly pressed 100~150~ 200lx is suitable for lighting. The current standard of China's current activities is 20 ~ 30 ~ 50lx. (2) The bedroom is generally 75lx, and the current standard is 20-30~50lx. For lying, local lighting, such as bedside table lamps, wall lamps, etc., should be provided to provide high illumination for reading, preferably 300lx. (3) The kitchen lighting is relatively poor, and there is not enough attention. Most kitchens only have general lighting and no local lighting on the operating table. (4) The illuminance of the bathroom is generally low, only about 50lx. For the sake of makeup and shaving, it is necessary to increase the cost. (5) Some of the households found in the actual measurement according to the instructions, although the light is soft, but the illumination power is low due to the small installation power of the light source, and it feels dim.
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