It is precisely those energy-saving lamps companies that have missed the purchase of large orders that have clearly felt the pressure from government procurement. After 50% of the financial subsidies, the province's 2 million models of energy-saving lamps promoted this year, the main price is 3 to 4 yuan, and the minimum price of residential users is only 2.75 yuan. Since the launch of the promotion of energy-saving lamps, many citizens have applied for half-price energy-saving lamps to the community neighborhood committees. The sales of energy-saving lamps in supermarkets and hypermarkets have been significantly reduced. It is not surprising that the sales of energy-saving lamps that have not won the bid have been sharply reduced.
The reporter learned that since this year, China will continue to promote high-efficiency lighting products for three years, and promote 50 million each year. Energy-saving lamps companies that missed the first round of purchasing large orders may wish to pay attention to the second round of energy-saving lamp bidding next year.
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