Heroes Hurry The World's Last Typewriter Factory Closed

The hero is late The world's last typewriter factory is closed

The typewriter that was born in the 19th century was gradually replaced by computer word processing software in the 1980s and gradually withdrew from the stage of history. Recently, Godrej and Boyce, the world’s last typewriter manufacturer, announced this week that it would close its plant in Mumbai, India.

Although typewriters have become obsolete in the West, they are still common in India. However, over the past decade, the demand for typewriters has become scarce and consumers have turned to computers. The company's general manager Milind Dukle said that their machine orders have not been won, and computers have dominated since 2000. Until 2009, the company was able to produce 10,000 to 12,000 typewriters a year. Now its market is mainly for defense agencies, courts, and government agencies.

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