Blockchain ecosystem Zenodys allows anyone to build and sell high-quality digital assets

Zenodys is a decentralized visual development framework and marketplace powered by blockchain technology that allows anyone to build and sell high-quality digital assets.

The project is built using visual development tools and stored and executed on a decentralized network. This standardized approach reduces fragmentation, improves interoperability and allows for unified data clusters. Once built, assets are hashed and stored in a decentralized marketplace where users can trade or invest the asset in other projects.

Smart contracts enable owners of digital assets to be rewarded at every stage of the value chain. Since digital assets are contained in, and based on, different projects, the tokens in the transaction will be distributed to all owners in the value chain in proportion to their contribution to the overall asset. It inspires the community to build common reusable visual code blocks that will be used across multiple projects.

In addition to state-of-the-art technology, delivering a seamless user experience (UX) is a major focus of the Zenodys team. Our goal is to make the process as simple as possible so that users who are not technically capable can still perform demanding technical operations.

1. How it works

The process is simple:

1. The seller of the digital asset publishes the asset on the market and sets the price.

2. Users (developers, business developers, etc.) can combine these assets with other assets in the application using a drag-and-drop interface.

3. The buyer purchases the asset. Tokens will be distributed after end users access and purchase digital assets from the marketplace. After the purchase, the smart contract will issue tokens to the owner of the digital asset in real time.

Digital assets come in the form of visual scripts (blocks) that define how one digital asset transforms into another, and how assets are collected, processed, standardized, and stored on a decentralized network middle.

With just a few mouse clicks, the visualization module simplifies the process of collecting content from any digital or physical source (traditional and IoT devices, files, applications, services and other sources).

AI powered systems help users find the right visualization module for their assets.

Once the asset becomes a standardized asset, the user publishes the asset on the market. Once published, each asset is automatically hashed to ensure it cannot be altered without consent, guaranteeing that the digital asset will be delivered exactly as advertised.

The AI-powered import mechanism guarantees the standardization of digital assets, which means they can be connected to each other, used with other digital assets and incorporated into applications.

Additionally, tightly integrated AI systems can easily match sellers and buyers. AI systems can also handle automated recommendations for visualization modules, allowing users to quickly collect, build, or deliver digital assets.

Since digital assets exist in and are built on different projects, tokens are distributed to all participants in the value chain once the overall asset is purchased. Blockchain technology helps create this value chain, ensuring that every distribution is transparent, traceable, and can be monetized fairly.

Customers and other participants can call the community's public phone to describe to the community the digital assets they want to build and define visual workflows that describe how the assets should be structured, processed, and stored.

All digital assets can be stored, transmitted and executed on the Zenodys distributed network of nodes with just one click. Users can also use their own nodes or other decentralized computing systems.

Open source projects can use similar principles as above — just not monetize them.

2. Advantages

2.1 Who will benefit

non-programmers and programmers

● People and businesses have access to tools such as data, content, code, etc. that can collect and monetize digital assets.

● Opportunities for non-programmers, business people, data scientists and engineers to develop their own applications and create entirely new revenue streams.

● A simple user interface facilitates visualization of the development process and enables developers to deliver digital assets faster.

● Developers can advertise on a larger scale or benefit from their special skills.

● Simple reusability of visualization modules minimizes the need to build from scratch and increases developer revenue.


● Consolidated assets and asset ecosystems give small companies access to enterprise-grade solutions and technologies that are currently only available to larger companies.

● Due to a more efficient integration environment, eliminating middlemen and decentralized computing efficiency, companies pay significantly less for software.

● Companies spend less because they can tailor a final solution to their exact needs and business processes. It also reduces support and maintenance costs.


● The platform provides simple interoperability and simplifies data exchange to ensure simple visual connections between devices, software, services and blockchain protocols.

● People from all over the world can now collaborate through a greatly simplified development tool to create assets as entirely new assets, and everyone gets paid accordingly.


● This platform allows people to start learning such technologies and exposes them to digital resources that they would otherwise not have access to.

● People from developing countries can improve their economic status by selling the digital assets they own.

2.2 Who will lose benefits

● Software vendors that overcharge or lock in customers.

● Bad code and low quality solutions.

3. Product Licensing

Digital assets provided by third parties are owned by participants (digital asset providers, developers, data scientists, etc.) who will license them according to their interests and strategies.

The market will utilize blockchain smart contracts. These contracts represent agreements between the contracting parties and ensure data privacy and control.

Standardized licenses will be provided through the platform; however, users will also be able to provide their own licenses. All licenses will be hashed and every change to the license will be instantly visible to all transaction participants for their opinion (agree or disagree).

4. Stakeholders

Digital Asset Seller (DA Seller): Any individual or organization that wants to monetize digital assets in the marketplace.

Developers: Provide a variety of data, advanced workflows, UI templates, and final applications that people want to monetize or contribute to the community.

Business Developer (BD): Programmers or non-programmers such as data scientists, engineers, business people, or almost anyone who uses visual tools to deliver applications.

Customers: All companies that need better data and more affordable software applications to improve their processes, decisions, products and business models.

Infrastructure (Node) Provider: A company or individual that runs any type of Zenodys node on its computer network.

Code review and quality hosting: Experienced people deliver high-quality code blocks and projects and keep the ecosystem safe.

Other: Any other stakeholders who want to contribute to this and take advantage of the ecosystem: education specialists, support staff, hardware companies, system integrators, engineers, technicians, etc.


Zenodys has been delivering connected IoE services to individuals, companies and governments for four years. The Zenodys IoE service is working with some of the most well-known global brands including Alliander, Festo, RWE and KPMG to validate the core technology at scale.

Zenodys' core technology is a state-of-the-art visualization development platform that facilitates the digitization and simplification of industrial solutions, all without programming. Industry 4.0 cases focus on connectivity, big data and artificial intelligence to provide solutions for demand response, real-time automation and predictive maintenance.

In 2017, Zenodys was honored to be named as one of the 10 Most Innovative Automation Solutions Providers by Insights Success1. In early 2017, Zenodys won the French Tech Ticket Award and the IoT CESA Slo Award, while being listed as one of the ten most disruptive companies by Amsterdam's (Disr-uptDaily) 2. In 2016, Zenodys was a finalist for the Dell Entrepreneur Award.

Zenodys is a partner or member of the following accelerators: Rockstart Accelerator (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), GTech (Berlin, Germany), Techfounders (Munich, Germany), H-Farm (Venice, Italy), LeConnected Camp (Toulouse, France), Starburst (Paris, France), WeXelerate (Vienna, Austria) and the Slovenian Association of Business Angels.

selected item

1. Committed to R&D

To date, Zenodys has invested about $400,000 in R&D and production aimed at building out the core technology. Pass

With the expansion of the Zenodys roadmap, with the support of additional resources from the core engineering team, there will be more work on this front.

2. Market Opportunities

Zenodys has huge market potential, combining digital assets and development markets with other related markets such as data, artificial intelligence, and IoT. The amount of data we generate doubles every year, and data-related products and services are now a huge multi-billion dollar market with a double compound annual growth rate (CAGR).

● The public SaaS services market grew 18% in 2017 to $246.8 billion

● A new data economy could be worth $3.8 trillion by 2030, equivalent to 5.2% of global GDP in 2016 or 5% of global equity trading

● The IoT market will reach $11.1 trillion annually by 2025

● Big data and business analytics will grow from $130.1 billion in 2016 to $203 billion in 2020, a CAGR of 11.7%

● Total spending on IoT and its services will reach $2 trillion in 2017

● The artificial intelligence (AI) market will reach USD 19.478 billion by 2022, with a CAGR of 45.4% from 2016 to 2022.

Combining these numbers, we project a total available market (TAM) of approximately $700 billion. The estimated total available market (SAM) is about $80 billion, and if we can address 0.7% of this market, the total available market (SOM) that can be used will be about $560 million. We estimate that with strong marketing capabilities, we can deliver approximately $50 million worth of services in the first year.

3. Business Model

Basic usage of the platform is free. Users do not need to pay tokens to enter the platform.

Users use tokens when they decide to upload digital assets to the decentralized network, which is to cover our infrastructure costs.

Zenodys charges a small fee for each transaction made within the platform. The token will be used for operations, development, overhead and other costs (code reviewers, quality hosting, etc.). A percentage of the tokens will be redistributed to a "community development pool" via Zenodys' payphone, as a way to encourage community members to join the platform.

Plan additional revenue streams (stakeholders can promote their services, requests, products, and workflows) based on advertising models and prioritize placements.

4. Go to market

For platforms and marketplaces to be successful, demand must equal supply and vice versa. The challenge before us is to bring demand and supply to self-regulating critical values ​​in the shortest possible time. With the Minimum Viable Product (MVP), we plan to take a more focused approach, targeting certain areas that we know well and represent our customer base.

In the beginning, we will have ready-made visualization workflows for instant use and monetization. We already have a large selection of off-the-shelf vision modules, and we plan to expand this further.

This will help provide participants with digital assets (such as data, content, code, and other resources) to populate the ecosystem with in a quick and easy way. Users can do this with just a few mouse clicks.

We will place great emphasis on building partnerships with companies, public sector agencies, and new members such as IOTA Data Market, Ocean Protocol, Origin Trail, and more.

In the early stages, the monetization potential is very important. So, our main focus is to provide the demand side of the market. Early entrants will be rewarded with significant compensation, prompting them to become active members of the market.

We plan to build a Zenodys Open Phone System to address immediate challenges within the Zenodys ecosystem. Through the public conference call, we plan to foster demand, grow the user base and reward active users who will be able to directly participate in the conference to influence the development of the platform.

The platform's strategy on the demand side involves community launches and corporate open calls to address specific issues related to artificial intelligence, smart energy and Industry 4.0. We plan to serve customers through a direct sales process, starting with our own customer base first.

The community will help build some parts of the platform. We expect this community-driven mechanism to be an important part of user feedback. Initially, a portion of the funds raised through the token sale will be used for community development.

5. Market Growth

We will capture market share by building exposure, authority and reliability of our products. To achieve this, Zenodys plans to utilize a combination of digital marketing, offline marketing, direct sales, online sales, partnerships, influencer marketing and PR.

As platforms and marketplaces are fully online entities, we expect online channels to be the most cost-effective growth strategy. We envisioned a mix of push strategies, such as online advertising, pull strategies, and content marketing. Therefore, we will attract influential industry figures and other stakeholders who can help us spread the platform through word of mouth, blogs, social media and other social channels.

We will establish direct sales channels and establish good cooperative relations with corporate partners. Zenodys has established direct customer connections with well-known businesses. The PR program became an important part of our acquisition strategy. Our expert PR team has the necessary skills to target and build symbiotic relationships with specific audiences through trusted channels. Where necessary, we will also use PR and advertising agencies.

6. Social Impact

The Zenodys platform allows people to generate additional (or primary) income by building valid digital assets — even if they are not developers.

This visual development platform has extremely low barriers to entry and provides an educational element so people can start learning and experimenting with technical topics. Even non-technical people can get exposure to topics like IoT, artificial intelligence, and big data through visual workflows.

The platform could have implications for developing countries, for which access to technology education remains a very big challenge. In addition, the tools we are developing are very suitable to run on low-cost hardware - ideal for emerging markets.

We plan to build an active team of local developers, educators, business and technology influencers to prepare high-quality workshops for stakeholders, especially in regions with underdeveloped development ecosystems.

7. Platform License

The Zenodys platform and all related components/modules are currently proprietary; however, following the token sale, we plan to open the platform in May 2018.

Due to the complexity of the core technology, open source products will be an incremental process. We plan to fully open source the entire product in early 2019. A portion of the funds raised during the token sale will be distributed directly to the open source community to foster the development of open source initiatives.


Zenodys visual development tools help greatly simplify complex development tasks. The drag-and-drop interface allows anyone, technically or not, to build digital assets intuitively. These visual blocks define how digital assets will be collected, transmitted, processed and stored.

Advanced users can write custom code directly into the visual workflow to extend and fine-tune functionality for complete control and flexibility. The AI ​​matching algorithm analyzes which visual code blocks, microservices, hash elements and dApps in the network can be reused. This greatly accelerated the progress of the project.

Ethereum blockchain technology tracks the use of digital assets across the value chain, ensuring that every distribution is transparent, traceable, and monetizable.

More information about Zenodys technology can be found in the technical documentation.

The basic product structure is described below.

1. Symbol

A code element is the visual building block of the platform — it's a basic digital asset, represented as a visual microservice. They can be connected together to form programming logic.

Symbols come in several forms:

● Connectors: connect visual microservices and products

● Processor: Process and structure data

● Coder: Developers can write code directly

2. Workflow Builder

The Workflow Builder is a powerful tool that allows users to build digital assets by connecting symbols together. A powerful drag-and-drop interface (IDE) makes it easy to create business logic, data management scenarios, and apply complex operations such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, demand response, and predictive maintenance.

3. User Interface (UI) Builder

User Interface Builder allows users to custom build user interfaces directly within the platform. User interface builders utilize a widget system: work with data sources, widgets visualize or report data. User Interface Builder allows users to build their own widgets, which can then be deployed in different projects.

4. Calculation Engine

The computational engine executes the digital assets developed in the visual development tools (workflow and artificial intelligence builders). It is written in low-level C code to ensure maximum portability. Processing millions of data points per second (MIPS) provides unmatched performance.

Our computing engines can run digital assets countless times and embed them directly into hardware, services, and applications, all without any central instance. It runs on Windows, Linux, microchips, devices, mobile phones, electrical appliances, cloud and distributed networks.

We're also starting to port it into OS-less systems: tiny chips, things, devices, sensors, etc. The computing engine also serves as the basis for the Zenodys node system and distributed network.

5. Market

The marketplace is an automated one-stop shop for secure access to digital assets as well as monetization. Selling digital assets (sold on a P2P decentralized marketplace) based on a visualization module developed by the Zenodys platform.

6. Public call system

Open call systems allow anyone in the supply chain to call large projects, applications or functions. An integrated project structure, powered by visualization modules and an AI matching system, enables instant product sketching and crowdsourcing delivery. The open call system is beneficial to the demand side in the market.

7. Open Protocols and Decentralized Networks

The interconnected node system represents a distributed decentralized network, which is the backbone of the Zenodys network. Communication and functionality is handled by the Zenodys open protocol.

More information about the Zenodys open protocol and network can be found in the technical documentation.

8. Additional Features

The following features will ensure that the ecosystem works smoothly and securely.

Hashing Mechanism: Every part of a digital asset is hashed, guaranteeing buyers access to the asset they purchased. The hash mechanism provides the basis for the value-added chain, and users can build value-added assets through secure cooperation.

Rating System: A semi-automatic rating system will encourage good performers.

Matching System: An AI-powered matching system matches sellers with owners of digital assets.

Standardized system: Standardized visualization modules and AI matching mechanisms establish order in an extremely fragmented system.

Pricing Algorithm: This algorithm finds similar assets and prices them, making it easier for users to determine the value of their digital assets.

Advertising System: This will give digital asset providers an opportunity to promote their assets and companies in the market.

Interoperability: Interoperability between data, applications, services, devices, systems, blockchains is delivered automatically and used only by visual interfaces.

Security and Privacy: All executions and communications will be encrypted. Decentralized nodes will provide data privacy.

Modular and extensible: The platform is fully modular and can be extended with third-party microservices, which are then visualized with visual development tools.

A detailed description of these features can be found in the technical documentation.


Zenodys is dealing with a $700 billion industry.

Zenodys is using the Ethereum blockchain as a foundation to build a decentralized visual development framework and P2P marketplace designed to serve digital assets. It allows everyone, including programmers and business professionals, to build great digital assets quickly, affordably, and efficiently.

Blockchain technology ensures that when digital assets are used (either alone or as part of another project), participants are rewarded accordingly for their contributions. As digital assets are included in different projects and the tokens traded are distributed to all participants in the value chain according to their contribution to the overall product.

Zenodys technology has undergone four years of active research and development, and its core technology has been realized, powering some of the world's best-known businesses.

Zenodys' strong five-person team consists of two-thirds of its engineers. Senior team members have been working together for 18 years.

Zenodys builds on a handful of early-stage enterprise projects and provides IoE projects for global enterprises such as Festo, Alliander and RWE. Over the past few years, our company has been recognized as one of the most impressive and innovative startups in the world.

The development roadmap for the Zenodys platform, which will be launched within 18 months of the token sale, will be built on a proven track record and iterate on a unique proposition based on blockchain technology.

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