AMD's return to dominance in CPU sales overtakes Intel!

[PConline News] AMD has been declining for a decade in the CPU market. The watershed is the emergence of the Intel Core 2 processor.

However, Intel's mistake is that the performance of toothpaste in these years is somewhat obvious, and minor repairs and minor changes also openly raise prices, so AMD used four years to make a big move - the Zen architecture.

Currently, in addition to the APU, Zen architecture products have completely covered almost the entire enterprise-class, consumer desktop, high-end HEDT and other markets.

The most recent data triggered the attention of hardware media. According to data uploaded by a net friend of Reddit, in the sales statistics of Germany's most famous e-commerce company,, AMD achieved CPU sales and revenue double-killing Intel, and historically stands up.

Looking at the sales table first, in March, AMD products accounted for only 27.6% of CPU sales. After Ryzen 5/Ryzen 3 was launched, it began to get better and better. In the past month, Ryzen ThreadRipper began to show its value. Finally, in August, AMD overtook Intel, taking 56% of sales.

In terms of revenue, AMD accounted for 54% in August. Ryzen's small profits, quick sales, and universal multi-core play a role.

In addition to product strength, AMD's "turn over" also benefited from Intel's empty period, Kaby Lake / Skylake for consumers, no freshness, and 8 generations of Core Duo continued 14nm process, 10nm long delay.

I don't know if AMD can do a pretty defensive counterattack after the 8th generation Core Desktop (October or so) is fully rolled out.

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