Design tips and application solutions for very low standby power adapters - Power Circuit - Circuit Diagram

DFN1006 TP-RCLAMP3321P ESD Diode Low Capacitance
Brand AVX TPSE226M035R0125 Low impedance tantalum capacitor AVX 22
MOS power IC full range
Industrial Router Crystal 3.2*2.5mm 3225 26M (26.000MHZ) 12PF 10PPM 20PPM 30PPM

Power adapters are widely used in notebook computers, game consoles, printers, DSL modems, and mobile phones. From the point of view of people's usage habits, these devices also have a considerable proportion of time in light load or standby (no load) mode of operation. Therefore, the “ENERGY STAR” and other standards are focused on improving the energy efficiency of the power adapters used in these devices, while also focusing on improving light load energy efficiency and reducing standby energy consumption.

For example, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) version 2.0 ENERGY STAR External Power Supply Specification (EPA 2.0) further enhances energy efficiency requirements based on version 1.1 (see Table 1), where Ln is the natural logarithm of the rated output power.

Table 1: Specification for 1.1 and 2.0 versions of the US Environmental Protection Agency's ENERGY STAR external power supply.

The power levels of different adapters vary widely, and power supplies with power greater than 75 W require increased power factor correction (PFC) according to IEC61000-3-2 and other requirements, and less than 75 W. This article focuses on the features required for power sub-75 W adapters to meet the new EPA 2.0 specifications, as well as ON Semiconductor's high-performance, energy-efficient controllers that provide these required features.

Ways to meet energy efficiency regulations

To meet the above specifications for the external power supply operating efficiency and standby energy requirements, we first need to analyze the source of the loss. In fact, in terms of working loss, there are two main aspects, namely switching loss and loss caused by leakage inductance. These two types of losses can be quantified by equations (1) and (2), respectively:

Equation (1)

Equation (2)

It can be seen from these two equations that there are two ways to improve the energy efficiency of the work: one is to reduce the switching frequency (FSW), that is, to use the frequency back-off technique at light loads; the other is to reduce the drain voltage at the time of shutdown. (VDRAIN (turn-off)), corresponding to the valley switch technology.


Wrap Around Cable Sleeve

Description of self closing Wrap Around Cable Sleeve Wire Harness

PET White Self Wrapping Split Braided Sleeving for cable management (PET woven mesh tube) is braided by environment friendly polyester monofil. PET is with good flexibility, fire resistance, abrasive resistance and thermal insulation performance. The sleeving are smooth surface, bright color, various patterns.

self-closing wrap offers innovative solutions for the protection of breakout areas and provides easy removal when is necessary an inspection or maintenance of cables. The special open structure allows to be installed after other components, for example copper terminals and connectors.

flexible semi-rigid wrappable split PET braided cable sleeving is a perfect solution to protect wires, cables, wire harnesses where ease of installation is paramount. With a 50% overlap, this sleeving wraps securely to itself eliminating the need to secure the sleeving opening with any other method.

Self closing wrap is a non-expandable sleeve woven from monofilament weft and multi-filament warp.

It provides a lightweight, cost effective and tough solution for protection of a wide range of wire and cable.

Its inherent flexibility allows it to be bend, coil and fit with irregular shapes while its open design allows it to be install on finished assemblies quickly.

Wrap Around Cable Sleeve,Sleeve For Wires ,Self Cable Wrap,Self Split Wrap

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