Come onlookers! CCTV will use VR live Tianzhou 1 spacecraft launch

The Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft is a cargo spacecraft developed by the China Academy of Space Technology (the fifth institute of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Group) and is also China's first cargo spacecraft. Today, Tianzhou-1 is about to complete its launch. will join hands with the "China Album" column group and will broadcast VR on the launch of the rocket to create a VR live broadcast in the domestic aerospace field.

It is understood that this flight mission is the first practical appearance of the space station cargo transportation system consisting of China's Tianzhou cargo ship and the Long March 7 launch vehicle, which will lay an important technical foundation for the assembly and construction of China's space station and long-term operation. According to the news from China’s manned space engineering office, the spacecraft laboratory’s mission headquarters studied and aimed at launching the Tianzhou-1 cargo spacecraft at 19:41 on April 20.

At that time, users can log in to the CCTV AV client or the Tencent News client to watch the "Tianwan-1" VR panorama broadcast. The nearest seat is less than 100 meters away from the launch tower. The live immersive experience of VR can allow users to watch at the foot of the tower and feel the shock of rocket launch.

When the Long March VII rocket first flew in 2016, the launch platform emitted 400 tons of water to cool down and reduce noise within 20 seconds. When the rocket is ignited, the tail flame directly hits the launch platform, allowing it to instantly approach 3000 degrees Celsius, and a large amount of water will vaporize and spray at high speed. Do you want to face this shock? Don't miss this VR broadcast. In addition, users can also log in CCTV video client or "Chinese album" WeChat public number to watch the vertical transfer of the Tianzhou-1 spacecraft to the launch area of ​​VR video, first to experience the "space express cousin" style.


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