Whether you are connected to a hacker's WiFi or a hacker connected to your WiFi, the end result may be the same. If the people on your home network are uneasy, the picture on TV may repeat itself.
As a security researcher, when the Internet of Things has not been so hot, it is known that there will be network security issues when the Internet of Things is up. Any new thing will be more concerned with the user's experience at the beginning of development, thus ignoring some other problems.
However, you can't watch the smart home at home being hacked. On the one hand, we hope that smart home manufacturers pay attention to the security of smart homes. On the other hand, we can create a wall for smart homes to protect their safety.
Keep in mind that your router is a "city wall." As long as there are vulnerable devices in the isolated network segment, the attack will not occur. Therefore, we must find a way to make the "wall" of the router strong enough.
From the usual research, the router itself may have some security problems, which are roughly divided into the following categories:
Exposing more remote services, these services may have vulnerabilities and increase the attack surface;
The management platform has a default account;
Functional design flaws can bypass the verification login management platform.
Don't despair when you see it here. Do the following things well, basically there is no problem:
First: It is very important to choose a reliable router and update the firmware in time.
It is recommended to have a well-known quality-assured router. Although well-known routers may also have security vulnerabilities, those vendors are more responsive to vulnerabilities and will not let them go.
Second: set a high-intensity WiFi password, high-intensity WiFi password can prevent yourself from being hacked.
Why do you want to prevent being smashed? As demonstrated in the 3.15 evening show, in an insecure WiFi environment, packets can be hijacked and sensitive information can be leaked. Even if it is a network of its own, being hacked and hacking means that the hacker has entered your network environment, and it is possible to obtain the management rights of the router through technical means. At this time, its own WiFi becomes unsafe WiFi.
Not only can you guarantee your own speed, but you can also prevent the tragedy of being stolen or even stolen by your account. There is also the management function of the router. Do not open external access. Do not use the default password directly, such as admin/admin. If you have to use it, congratulations on joining the ranks of global broilers.
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