Automatic lighting keep circuit diagram
Smart Heater means a heater with Wifi control by Phone.
Smart heaters inluding Fan Heater Wifi, Glass Panel Heater Wi-fi, Oil-filled heater Tuya, Wifi wall Silicate Panel Heater, Glass convection heater App.
Featuring a compact design, the Smart Heaters can be controlled from the heaters or connecting the smart Wifi Heater using Tuya's free mobile app to adjust settings from your hand. Monitors and manages the temperature in your home or office, set timers, or simply select the time of day you`d like to activate your Wifi heater.
Welcome to OEM smart heaters, we use Tuya app.
Smart Heater
Smart Water Heater,Life Smart Heater,Wifi Heater,Smart Space Heater
Fenry manufacturing Co., Ltd ,